Bahia stingray moqueca recipe

Bahia stingray moqueca recipe

Although for some Brazilians to cook stingrays is a bit exotic, stingray recipes are very popular in the northeast! One of the delicacies there is this stingray stew that we teach you to prepare at specialfood. Pay attention to the ingredients and, step by step, prepare this ray stew recipe from Bahia for the whole family, we are sure you will enjoy it!

Ingredients to make Moqueca de stingray from Bahia:

 1 kilogram of clean and cut stingray

 2 onion units

 2 units of tomato

 2 units of chili

 4 chopped garlic cloves

 4 tablespoons of palm oil

 200 milliliters of coconut milk

 1 bunch of chives

 1 bunch of coriander


How to make Moqueca de raya baiana:

The first step in this cooked stingray recipe is to season the fish with salt to taste and the crushed garlic.

Then cut the onion, tomato and pepper without the seeds into slices. In a pot (preferably clay) arrange these ingredients in alternating layers with the chives, coriander and stingray. Place on fire to simmer a little.

Then add the coconut milk, cover and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the stingray is soft. Then, add the flavor with salt, add the palm oil and let it stay for another 5 minutes.

Then, serve this delicious stingray moqueca recipe from Bahia with white rice or cabbage farofa. Taste and tell us what you think!

If you liked this recipe, be sure to also check out the shrimp moqueca and the capixaba fish moqueca. Enjoy your food!

If you liked the stingray moqueca recipe from Bahia, we suggest you enter our Stingray Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the custard apple mousse recipe/ mango lassi recipe/ chayote benefits blogpost/ kiwi jam recipe/ mandarin jam recipe.


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